Did the Soviet ever attempt "innocent passage" thru American waters?


An important question about those sorts of actions is the logistic cost and the risk of escalation versus gains.

In Swedish waters, such intrustions meant:

  • Political gains as Russia enforce its capacity to be a threat
  • Military gains about knowing waters where they could be landing during WW3
  • Low risks for the submarines to be attacked since Sweden was not a match for USSR by the time, and Sweden was not protected byNATO (even less if Sweden hit first)
  • Low logistic cost, close to training cost

However, for American waters:

  • Soviet did not gain anything, speaking about military, from having a submarine in American waters. The only that could go that close would SSBN, i.e. submarines with nuclear weapons. Attack submarines would operate in open ocean against convoys and blue water fleets during WW3
  • The risk of escalation is high: US might suspect a surprise nuclear attack

So I did not find examples of such intrusions, there might have been some (for example during the Crisis of Cuba) but definitely not on a regular basis

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