What share of refugees crossed borders during WW2 and its aftermath?


Total estimates for the number of people displaced by World War II are at least as high as 60 million. The question is how many of these displaced people crossed international borders. I'm not sure, but it could easily be in the millions. So the share may be small, but still significant.

Here are a couple of specific figures I am picking out of an excellent book on the history of global migrations. This is not a comprehensive list.

  • In 1939, France expelled some 380,000 refugees who had arrived from Nazi Germany. That was "the largest concentration of refugees in the Western World" at that time.
  • Sweden accepted about 237,000 refugees, including Norwegians and Danish Jews.
  • An estimated 200,000 to 350,000 Jews fled into the Soviet Union.
  • About 100,000 Jews fled through Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
  • Britain received about 56,000 migrants from the Reich and Czech lands between 1933 to 1939.

Page 476 of the book includes a detailed map of population movements within and out of Europe from 1939 to 1949.

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