What evidence is there for the severity of Roman scourging before crucifixion?


In the documents of “Jewish War.” a man named Jesus Ben Ananias, (NOT to be confused with Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus was quite a common name back then), was “scourged until bones were laid bare.” This man was flogged to the extent of his bones showing. Also, I have heard that certain church fathers or bishops in the early church, wrote how vicious the whips were.

Also yes, the Romans did sometimes beat criminals with rods (which is a fact) however they also lashed people with other whips too. As seen when looking at ancient stone tablet pictures. Plus, being beaten hard (which is what they did, full force blows) was pretty bad, the scratches, marks, bruises and blistering on your back/body, would cause pain and damage. Especially after a blister is struck and then begins to bleed. Not to mention the person sweat mixing with the blood, which could make it look a little worse.

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