When Jesus was living on the Earth, was He capable of communicating in all languages?


Accepted answer

In mainstream Christianity understanding, Jesus had both divine and human natures. In his human nature he was indistinguishable physically and culturally from a typical 1st century Jewish-born man (native of Nazareth, Galilee), speaking the languages that his countrymen would have spoken, which was primarily Aramaic, Greek (the lingua franca at the time), and possibly a little Latin.

So no, even if it were possible in theory that Jesus accessed his divine nature to speak Chinese, he probably wouldn't have done it, since his mission was to the Israel first (Matt 15:24), although his death was for all mankind (see the article Why Did Jesus Say He Came Only for Israel?).


If you subscribe to the notion that Jesus is God and that God is omniscient, as is common, then there's no reason to think he wouldn't know any language on earth even if he didn't study or use it.

I don't subscribe to such a view, however. Neither that Jesus was God Almighty himself nor that God knows everything exhaustively (which would void the concept of freewill).

The scriptures tell us that he studied in the synagogue "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). He was a man and had to learn and grow like any other. Thus - independent of the HS - he obviously wasn't omniscient (you can't grow in wisdom if you already know everything) and more likely than not did not personally study all the languages on earth.

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