What is Beth Sarim building built for?


Accepted answer

J. F. Rutherford taught:

that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/bethsarim.php

These faithful men of old (probably Abraham and other patriarchs/prophets) would need somewhere to live and Rutherford set aside the house known as Bath Sarim to be that place:

if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth-Sarim. http://defendingjehovahswitnesses.blogspot.com.au/2009/11/beth-sarim.html

I think Bath Sarim is Hebrew for "House of Princes".

Rutherford's predictions of when they would return failed to come true, and the house has been sold (1948).

The belief that the "princes" would be resurrected before Armageddon was abandoned in 1950 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beth_Sarim

I couldn't find any references to alters being built, or even a complete list of who the princes would be.

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