Did the historical Buddha explicitly teach and/or endorse Kasiṇa (meditation)?


The Kosala Sutta: The Kosalan is one example. So nothing wrong by using such kammaṭṭhāna, good householder, as certain included and preference of kind of 'hobby' is different from individual to individual.

And it's not wise to hold a 'I know better that the Elders' attitude, but much better and of benefit if approaching the Gems with devotion, respect, generosity and patient first. As else would just demerit, here and here after.


There is a related question here on Stackexchange.

This is a contested topic with active discussions going. The background is that some Theravadins may feel the need to defend their Visuddhimagga against attacks from other traditions who say that Buddhaghosa just added this stuff.

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