Can I wear pendant that's symbol of peace?


Accepted answer

If Mr/Mrs user73898 is doing meditaion seriously in one stream, its would be out of any benefit, if it is done without taking the 8 precepts. Beautification is one Sila of it. Its not proper and every fellow yogi, next to the reality would just think "Oh dear, how mindful... how serious".

If you find a mediation group that has no propel with that, or does not urge Mr/Mrs., run away, all they are doing is for their livelihood and without compassion for Mr/Mrs, without any benefit. Withdraw from sensual pleasure and outwardly notions of conceit (Sila), are prerequisite of meditaion (Samadhi). Not done the raw stuff, how would you waste time in grinding the tree in the forest for getting a nice chair.

(Note: this answer has not been given with the agreement to be means of trade or the purpose of/for trade and/or keep people trapped and bound. How you handle it lies in your sphere, but does not excuse the deed here either.)


What you ware does not effect your path or your practice. In Lord Buddha's time people reached Nirvana while wearing nothing,While working and etc.

Focus on your path do not take concerns about these minor things.


For sitting meditation, you can't go wrong by simplifying. Just wear simple, loose clothing, and leave the rest in your bag (good) or at home (better). You can always wear whatever you like outside. Inside, be non-distracting: it's just a question of politeness to your fellow meditators.


For practising any other branch except that of Mahayana / Vajrayana, no restrictions for mundane practitioners' outfit exist, to the best of my knowledge.

However, if you are practicing in any Vajrayana lineage, you should ask your lama, because bearing a visible jewelery / amulet could be a potential obstacle to keeping layman'v vows on Mahayana Sojong days.


That is in harmony with nonviolent Buddhism however on a vipassana retreat there is noble silence, and anything worn that said anything would be as distracting as spoken words.

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