Awake mind after meditation


(thΔ«na-middha) is one of the 5 hindrance of mind. I too experience the same way. I feels more alert after a good session of meditation. 5 hindrance and mediation are polar opposites. I think we are doing good, where Buddha compare self monitoring to being a great chef who watches king at his dinner table to figure out his personal palate and adjust the next meals accordingly. This kind of chef will reap rewards.

thΔ«na-middha-heaviness of body and dullness of mind which drag one down into disabling inertia and thick depression or could even be sleepiness.


But when I try to concentrate more during meditation, my mind becomes charged...

If what you are describing here is concentrate with more effort (rather than meditating for a longer duration) then what you have described is a common symptom of concentrating with too much power & effort.

While beginner meditators often meditate with mental force to counter (suppress) discursive (habitual) thinking, ultimately, Buddhist meditation is based on letting go & emptying the mind (rather than pushing the mind with power & effort).

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