What Buddhist materials describe how to increase the number of people with good Karma in a geographic area?


Though not directly affecting karma, there is a variation of Metta Meditation mentioned in the Visuddhi Magga that increases universal love and brotherhood. Though the object is universal, its obvious that nearer vicinities would be felt more profound an effect.

If there is one thing in this world that can influence peoples' Karma, it is meditation. Karma is nothing but the result of aeons of conditioning of the five aggregates, and only with insight (pradnya) can they be positively affected.

As a practical experiment, just arrange a series of group meditation sittings among the people of the geographic area you want to improvise. After each sitting, just feel the metta vibrations in the air!


That is, people in Switzerland (or Silicon Valley) have, on average, a better Karma than inhabitants of poor, war-torn countries

You don't know how much karma people have (not even on average).Unless your a Buddha or something.And you can't judge people's happiness based on regions or material possesions.Silicon valley might seem like a heaven,but it's not for the person commiting suicide because a plastic surgery went wrong.That's their hell.What of a kind person living a contented life in sierra leone who dies a peaceful death that's his heaven.We experience the effects of our karmas in our minds not on what happens around us.If that was the case most monastics would be experiencing the fruits of their bad karmas since they have to give up everything.Great Ajahns weren't from switzerland and neither were great people who cultivated great qualities such as Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama who both came from war torn and oppressed regions.Happiness isn't based on material wealth.True happiness comes from being a good person and you can be a good person anywhere,not just switzerland or silicon valley.The region doesn't cause your good karma,the person does or more accurately your actions.

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