What is a skillful way to meditate in the midst of a migraine headache?


Accepted answer

Read this story by Ajahn Brahm about dealing with intense bodily pain (toothache).

Read the following exercise only after you read that story.(otherwise you will mis-understand)


When you have a migrane attack, take a deep breath really deep, fill your lungs completely. Now, hold this as long as you can. Initially this time is 4-5 seconds but it becomes 10 seconds which is enough.

What happens is your body goes in shock and some 'fight or flight' harmones are released. This focused attention gives extream boost for mindfulness of migrane itself.

In this situation become mindful of your migrane and do what Ajahn Brahm has told to do.

When you cannot hold the breath any longer, let go of all the breath, empty the lungs and repeat the exrecise. This is bit difficult than holding the breath, you can do the first step.

Preferably keep your eyes closed.

Pain goes away.

Don't do this while driving or doing anything else. Just make sure you are just sitting doing nothing while doing this.


Theravada Buddhist Answer based in the Burmese method as taught by the Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw.

The following method is based in Vipassana meditation. This type of meditation is characterized by taking reality as an object of meditation, meaning that one directs attention towards the most apparent object in the present moment.

In terms of a migraine attack one might focus on the pain, nausea if present, a feeling of lightheadedness or ones reaction towards those objects.

One would note whatever object is most predominant and change object when another object becomes predominant. One notes the pain by mentally and slowly saying to oneself "pain, pain, pain". This is done while keeping attention on the object. One notes in order to create clear comprehension about the object, so to not fall into either liking or disliking of the object.

When this is done repeatedly over a period of time the mind will come to see the pain as merely an object. One will come to understand that the pain is not a problem. Instead its our own reaction to the pain that creates suffering for us.

For more in-depth information on the method in relation to dealing with pain, I recommend the following video teachings given by Ven. Yuttadhammo:

He also made a booklet, which is available here.

May you have a fruitful practice.

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