What is the Buddhist Perspective on Dreaming?


I was really surprised to find something that might help in my search for dreams. From SN25.132:

All is vain for someone who doesn’t guard the sense doors, like the wealth a person finds in a dream.

From the above advice of the Buddha, I'd say that you might be better off seeking a quiet place to reflect mindfully and peacefully on your relationship without grasping, aversion or delusion. The wealth found in dreams doesn't pay the bills. Nor does it offer clear advice.


According to the Milindapañha there are six causes of dreams:

  1. vātiko supinaṃ passati - one with winds sees a dream
  2. pittiko supinaṃ - one with bile sees a dream
  3. semhiko supinaṃ passati - one with phlegm sees a dream
  4. devatūpasaṃhārato supinaṃ passati - one possessed by a devata sees a dream
  5. samudāciṇṇato supinaṃ passati - I don't know what this one means, maybe something to do with memories?
  6. pubbanimittato supinaṃ passati - one sees a dream as a prophetic vision

tatra, mahārāja, yaṃ pubbanimittato supinaṃ passati, taṃ yeva saccaṃ, avasesaṃ micchā”ti.

Of these six, only the last type is true, the rest are false.

I think it is possible that possession by a devata could lead to dreams containing truth, but it is just as likely to be misleading. How would you know if your were being deceived? Much better to rely on waking experience. Nagasena says mostly dreams occur when one is kapiniddāpareta - afflicted with monkey sleep.

Source: milindapañha, anumānapañho, vessantaravaggo, supinapañho

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