Meditation - hot and expectant in the morning


Accepted answer

Be expectant in life as a house holder but not when meditating. When meditating focus on the task at hand.

With regards to ideal time for meditation, it depends, from person to person and time to time. For some people morning sessions may work well while evenings may not, but for the same people evenings may work well in some periods. Hence it is best to practice at least 2 times a day.

The heating up and cooling experience you mentioned is normal. People experience certain persisting parters of experience like burning sensation, acute pains, vibrations, etc., but these also will change after some time. Do not dwell of give too much importance to the experience but use it to eradicate your past store of Sankara as in the Pahana Suttas (Pahāna Sutta, Avijja Pahana Sutta 2). Be equanimous to the experience knowing it is impermanent (arising and passing).

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