What caused the Golden Bowl to go upstream?


It's called Saccakiriya. It basically uses the power of true speech. But it has to be something strong.


I have never lied in my life! If that is true, may this happen!

I have never stolen in my life! If that is true, may this happen!

I have never killed in my life! If that is true, may this happen!

Once the Buddha instructed Venerable Angulimala to invoke his Saccakiriya to help a pregnant lady. This is what he said: "Since I was born of Aryan birth, O sister, I am not aware of having intentionally deprived any living being of his life. By this asseveration of Truth may you be well! May thy unborn child be well!"

In this scenario it's a true statement about the future. There was no Deva involved.


I believe the golden bowl statement was metaphorical. For me it signifies an important lesson:

World cannot be understood by looking at it in the same manner we are used to. It will require us applying our thinking and understanding against the grain sometimes. Like the current of the river may fall through normally, but one need not be limited by its direction. We should not limit ourselves into traditional way of thinking, and mundane frames of understanding. After all, that frame of thinking is the main reason why we are here, stuck in sansara.

Albert Einstein : β€œInsanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Lord Budhdha: "Sabbe Pruthajjana Unmaththaka" - All those who are not actively striving for Nirvana, are not right in their mind.

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