Will Meghan Markle Become A British Citizen

Will Meghan Markle Become a British Citizen?

Since Meghan Markle's marriage to Prince Harry in May 2018, there has been much speculation about her future citizenship status and whether she will become a British citizen. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate process involved in acquiring British citizenship and discuss the possibilities for Meghan Markle.

The Process of Becoming a British Citizen

Obtaining British citizenship is not an automatic right for individuals marrying British citizens or members of the royal family. The process involves several steps and requires meeting specific criteria. Let us explore the typical steps involved:

  1. Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR): First, Meghan Markle needs to acquire ILR, also known as settled status. This ensures that she can live and work in the UK without any restrictions.
  2. Residency Requirements: ILR applicants, like Meghan Markle, must have lived in the UK for a minimum of five years with no prolonged absences.
  3. Language and Life Skills: Meghan Markle will also need to pass an English language test and a "Life in the UK" test, which assesses her knowledge of British history, culture, and traditions.
  4. Application for British Citizenship: Once Meghan Markle has fulfilled all the requirements mentioned above, she can apply for British citizenship using the appropriate application form.
  5. Approval and Ceremony: After submitting the application, it undergoes a review process by the Home Office. If approved, Meghan Markle will attend a citizenship ceremony where she will make an oath of allegiance to the UK, solidifying her British citizenship.

Possible Paths for Meghan Markle

Considering the process outlined above, Meghan Markle could choose various routes to become a British citizen. Let's examine some of the potential paths:

1. Spouse Visa Route:

Through her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle may be eligible to apply for a spouse visa. Following a period of living in the UK as a spouse of a British citizen, she could then proceed with the steps towards obtaining ILR and eventually British citizenship.

2. Ancestry Visa Route:

Another possible path for Meghan Markle is through the ancestry visa route. If she can prove that she has a grandparent born in the UK, she may be eligible for an ancestry visa. This visa would grant her permission to live and work in the UK, eventually leading to ILR and British citizenship.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Q: Are there any exceptions or expedited processes for members of the royal family?

A: Regardless of Meghan Markle's status as a member of the royal family, she still needs to follow the same process as any other individual seeking British citizenship. There are no shortcuts or exemptions based on her royal connection.


While the process of acquiring British citizenship can be complex and time-consuming, it is certainly possible for Meghan Markle. Her marriage to Prince Harry opens up several potential paths, such as the spouse visa route or the ancestry visa route. However, each path requires fulfilling specific residency and language requirements before applying for British citizenship. Regardless of Meghan Markle's eventual choice, it is crucial to remember that the decision rests on the shoulders of the individual and is subject to various factors and regulations.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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